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Become a Sponsor

Sponsor a team for our 2025 Outdoor Season!

Hillsburgh, Erin and District Soccer club is looking for sponsors for U10+ teams in our 2025 Summer Outdoor House League.

The cost to sponsor a team is $400.00.  We have approximately 10 teams ranging from Under 10 to Under 18 Boys and Girls teams.  Sponsor names will be printed on the front of team shirts in either black or white lettering depending on the colour of shirt.

Please support H.E.A.D.S. this season.  Download our sponsorship form and submit it with your preferred team/player information along with your sponsorship fee.

If you have any questions please contact for more information.

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Hillsburgh Erin and District Soccer  
PO Box 865 Erin, ON N0B1T0  
Phone: +1 (519) 288-7000  